Banditos Tri-Hi-Y

Banditos Tri-Hi-Y was one of several Tri-Hi-Y's, a female service organization sponsored by the Town North YMCA.

Members: Betsy Beard, Cathy Berry, Barbara Bridges, Patti Coughlin, Theresa Garrett, Barby Glaze, Stephanie Hirsch, Judy Martin, Chris Mayrath, Gwen Peterson, Dana Temerlin (send additional names/corrections to

Sponsor: Randy Thompson

L to R: Stephanie Hirsch, Judy Martin, Dana Temerlin, Gwen Peterson, Cathy Berry, Randy Thompson (sponsor), Barby Glaze, Chris Mayrath

L to R: Judy Martin, Chris Mayrath, Barby Glaze, Stephanie Hirsch, Gwen Peterson, Randy Thompson (sponsor), Dana Temerlin, Cathy Berry

Back (seated): Patti Coughlin, Theresa Garrett, Cathy Berry, Judy Martin
Front (lying): Betsy Beard