Who Lived in My Neighborhood?

Withers Neighborhood

This list is sorted by street name. Scroll down the list until you find your street and see who else lived on your block. Click on an address link, and a map with the location will open in a separate window (and probably a Google photo of what the house looks like today).

GR First Name Last Name Address
g Pam Prutzman 11007 Aladdin Drive
12 Kent Snow 11036 Aladdin Drive
g Joe Abney 3807 Alta Vista Lane
g Keith Lorang 3959 Alta Vista Lane
11 Sande King 4006 Alta Vista Lane
g Linda Freise 4025 Alta Vista Lane
g Jay Sharer 4110 Alta Vista Lane
g Susan Schneider 4120 Alta Vista Lane
g Larry Rowe 4139 Alta Vista Lane
g Randy Thomas 10920 Candlelight Lane
g Bob Stewart 10930 Candlelight Lane
g Mickie Fremming 10950 Candlelight Lane
g Jim Holloway 11047 Candlelight Lane
g Pat Salter 11122 Candlelight Lane
g Robert Salih 11129 Candlelight Lane
g David Edmonson 11134 Candlelight Lane
11 Jane Edwards 3838 Cedarbrush Drive
g David Crisford 10816 Cinderella Lane
g Diane Crisford 10816 Cinderella Lane
g Barry Williams 10840 Cinderella Lane
g Glynda Ogden 11008 Cinderella Lane
g Allen Hundley 11015 Cinderella Lane
g Meg Hundley 11015 Cinderella Lane
g Barbi Levine 11132 Cinderella Lane
g Pat Taylor 11140 Cinderella Lane
g Melissa Penland 11232 Cinderella Lane
g Mike Langford 4116 Courtshire Drive
11 Andy Andrew 4117 Courtshire Drive
g Mike Lang 4166 Courtshire Drive
g Paul Hess 11231 Dwarfs Circle
g Debbie Josephs 3909 Fantasia Lane
g Penni Crouch 3820 Goodfellow Drive
g Dan Dray 3851 Goodfellow Drive
g Rick Horne 3860 Goodfellow Drive
g Debbie Cook 4024 Goodfellow Drive
g Anne Frierson 4115 Goodfellow Drive
g Patti Simmons 4146 Goodfellow Drive
g Bill Lamberth 4419 Goodfellow Drive
g Tom Purdum 3959 Hockaday Drive
g Carol Fleming 4033 Hockaday Drive
g Nancy Neal 3716 Northaven Road
11 O. J. Simpson 3728 Northaven Road
12 Steve Simpson 3728 Northaven Road
g Denice Glascock 3883 Northaven Road
g Ken Roberts 3928 Northaven Road
g Jennie Robinson 3940 Northaven Road
g Allen Ball 4047 Northaven Road
g Richard Saunders 4057 Northaven Road
g Beth Vowan 4067 Northaven Road
10 Richard Bernstein 4115 Northaven Road
11 Mollie Paddock 4125 Northaven Road
g Melissa Green 4017 Northview Lane
11 Teresa Pickett 4032 Northview Lane
g Nancy Marakas 4047 Northview Lane
g Craig Gray 4056 Northview Lane
g Teri Reid 4067 Northview Lane
g Lyle Charbonneau 3746 Pallos Verdas Drive
11 Susan Perrenot 3771 Pallos Verdas Drive
g Jeff Hoy 3849 Pallos Verdas Drive
g Scott Eberhart 10808 Pinocchio Drive
g Barbara Landgraf 10824 Pinocchio Drive
g Betty Landgraf 10824 Pinocchio Drive
11 Susan Johnston 10924 Pinocchio Drive
g Angela Humphreys 11038 Pinocchio Drive
g Randall Smith 11115 Pinocchio Drive
g Lois Parker 11131 Pinocchio Drive
g Mark Williams 11216 Pinocchio Drive
g John Hunter 11231 Pinocchio Drive
g Charlie LeRoy 10940 Rosser Road
10 David Kissel 11429 Rosser Road
g Janice Wight 3707 Royal Lane
g Toni Rios 3755 Royal Lane
g Lynn Arceneaux 3805 Shady Hill Drive
g Pete Dunnam 3811 Shady Hill Drive
g Rick Scauzillo 3820 Shady Hill Drive
g Tom Turet 3830 Shady Hill Drive
g Dan Jonker 3839 Shady Hill Drive
g Bill Linburg 3846 Shady Hill Drive
g Nancy Leverenz 4027 Shady Hill Drive
g Phil Blais 4035 Shady Hill Drive
11 Lisa Pittsenberger 4043 Shady Hill Drive
11 Paula Pittsenberger 4043 Shady Hill Drive
g Ellen Elliott 4131 Shady Hill Drive
g Sallie McKinley 4030 Sleepy Lane
g Carl Patmore 10907 Snow White Drive
g Mike Bingham 11016 Snow White Drive
g Ronnie Brooks 11024 Snow White Drive
g Kathleen Tolbert 11133 Snow White Drive
g Elizabeth Tierney 11311 Snow White Drive
g Jeff Howle 11419 Snow White Drive
g Beckie Booth 3732 Townsend Drive
g Ruth Ann Moseley 3771 Townsend Drive
g Deborah Meazell 3796 Townsend Drive
g Bob Kane 3732 Vancouver Drive
g Brenda Litwin 3739 Vancouver Drive
g Ann Klarer 3756 Vancouver Drive
11 Mike Klarer 3756 Vancouver Drive
g Marcia Wood 3636 Vinecrest Drive
g Betty Svoboda 3763 Vinecrest Drive
g Judy Sargent 3771 Vinecrest Drive
g Pete Zorbanos 3795 Vinecrest Drive
g Nancy Powell 3763 Waldorf Drive
g Garry Segal 3764 Waldorf Drive
g David Hopson 3780 Waldorf Drive
g Susan Ramsey 3711 Weeburn Drive
g Linda Oberlin 3742 Weeburn Drive
g Bruce Coleman 3821 Weeburn Drive
g Linda Chance 3830 Weeburn Drive
g Roberta James 3835 Weeburn Drive
g Karen Prager 3923 Weeburn Drive
g Stephen Golub 3924 Weeburn Drive
11 Kevin Thompson 3734 Whitehall Drive
g Charlette Bronson 3757 Whitehall Drive
11 Susan Helber 3762 Whitehall Drive
g Carol Wilks 3763 Whitehall Drive
g John Mayes 3776 Whitehall Drive
g Steve Land 3830 Whitehall Drive
g Mark Plume 3850 Whitehall Drive
g Jerry Maher 11019 Wonderland Trail
g Chuck Eubanks 11049 Wonderland Trail
g Doug Johnson 11114 Wonderland Trail
g Debbie Kackley 11218 Wonderland Trail
