Who Lived in My Neighborhood?

Cabell Area North of Valley View

This list is sorted by street name. Scroll down the list until you find your street and see who else lived on your block. Click on an address link, and a map with the location will open in a separate window (and probably a Google photo of what the house looks like today).

GR First Name Last Name Address
g Steve Anderson 13371 Belfield Drive
g Steve Price 3322 Brockway Drive
g Sheri Underwood 13221 Castleton Drive
g Abbie Smith 13512 Castleton Drive
g John Johnston 3336 Chadwell Drive
11 Trisa Thompson 13333 Challaburnton Drive
g Jay Brown 13223 Challaburton Drive
g Cub Dillard 13233 Challaburton Drive
g Terry Thompson 13333 Challaburton Drive
g Debbie Mize 13429 Challaburton Drive
g Kathleen Barnett 13508 Challaburton Drive
11 Billie Ford 3141 Colchester Drive
g Sheryl Huie 13446 Emeline Street
11 Ann Pool 13370 Glenside Drive
g David Jackson 13404 Glenside Drive
g Barbara Erickson 13444 Glenside Drive
12 Kurt Crawford 3161 Longmeade Drive
g Patricia Pitcher 3307 Longmeade Drive
g Dennis Tully 3310 Longmeade Drive
g Paula Robinson 12919 Mitchwin Road
g Tina Mullen 13210 Mount Castle Drive
g Connie Harrell 13220 Mount Castle Drive
g Bruce Rowe 13307 Mount Castle Drive
g Richard Gilder 13318 Mount Castle Drive
g Sharon Oliver 13405 Mount Castle Drive
g Carolyn Roberts 13408 Mount Castle Drive
g Wayne Croom 13509 Mount Castle Drive
g Tim Adkisson 3316 Portlock Drive
g Kristy Smith 3327 Portlock Drive
g A. J. Soto 13253 Shahan Drive
11 Jerry Lindsley 13418 Shahan Drive
g Russell Shaffer 13438 Shahan Drive
11 Cindy Pensinger 13515 Shahan Drive
11 Ralph Blackmon 13527 Shahan Drive
g Lerae Dedrick 13414 Winterhaven Drive
g Gary Atterbury 13433 Winterhaven Drive
11 Stacy McGrew 13535 Winterhaven Drive
