Who Lived in My Neighborhood?

Gooch/Marsh Neighborhood (north of LBJ)

This list is sorted by street name. Scroll down the list until you find your street and see who else lived on your block. Click on an address link, and a map with the location will open in a separate window (and probably a Google photo of what the house looks like today).

GR First Name Last Name Address
g Alan Avery 3844 Blue Trace Lane
g Dee Cocke 3816 Clubway Lane
g Linda Seeley 3715 Crestpark Drive
g Hanlon Skillman 3916 Crestpark Drive
g Louise Pryor 3720 Ridgeoak Way
11 Kathy Ross 3730 Ridgeoak Way
g Robby Seidel 3849 Ridgeoak Way
g Betty Brown 3953 Ridgeoak Way
g James Dennis 4030 Valley View Lane
11 Glenda Herring 4030 Valley View Lane
